Esther and I had the great opportunity to go to CCD Women's Conference, a gathering of all sorts of women from Nazarene churches located throughout Central California. During my day and a half away, I received numerous text messages from my wonderful husband, documenting our younger son, Caleb's, progress learning the English language. These are a few of the short narratives I received:
"I asked Caleb 'do you have poo poo?' he patted his diaper and said 'pee pee'. Sure enough, only pee. He is learning."
"Caleb just patted his diaper and said poo poo. Guess what is what full of?"
Later on in the day, I received another text message regarding our older son, Andrew. Now, you've got to understand how Andrew sounds when he talks, the way he does things, and how he... is. Generally. Sometimes, he's just a regular kid. Other times, I swear he's got a 16 year old hidden away in that Ethiopian frame of his, one that lisps, skips and does combo spin-frog-jump-cartwheel maneuvers all of the carpet and sometimes even the walls. This is the texts message I got about our little Space Cadet:
"Asked Andrew if he and his friends talk about ben 10 (one of Andrew's new favoritest cartoons). He said yes. I asked if they talk about ben 10 ellien force (Jimmy spelled alien wrong on purpose, but that's another story). He said "that's part of the ben 10 column, dad."
I can just imagine his look of total disdain, entailing that we are supposed to know these kinds of things. I mean, gosh, we watch Ben 10 ALL the time. Duh. Sheesh.